Close friends, family, and some colleagues know that I have Bipolar 1 Disorder. I recently went on a podcast with my good friend and mentor to discuss mental health in the workplace. He has seen me at my highest high and lowest low. Let us know what you think.
Oh yeah, the talk (on open source sustainability) went well! I'm waiting for them to upload the video and will share the link asap.
P.S. If you want to share something in the next issue, please reply to this email or DM me on Twitter.

Help open-source contributors escape Afghanistan - Open Collective
We're helping open-source contributors escape from Afghanistan war and Taliban repression.

OSPO Landscape
View the Open Source Program Office Landscape. Basically 193 cards of different companies with a market cap of $16.6T, and funding of $6.2B.

Dan Lorenc and OSS Supply Chain Security at Google
Dan was such a great guest. He recently left Google to start his own thing around supply chain security. We are looking forward to interviewing him again in the future.